The Last Stand
The Last Stand was a 5 day community environmental information event to raise awareness of the wonders and woes of the Midwest Wheatbelt wildflower country between Calingiri & Carnamah. Flyer
- Wed 5th Sept – ‘The Last Stand Symposium’. An array of speakers and discussion on the wonders, issues and solutions of the Wheatbelt natural environment. Symposium
- Wed 5th – Sun 9th – exhibition including: Displays – art (local artists), photography (local photographers), information on value of natural environment, case studies, hands-on displays (weeds, insects etc), local aboriginal displays and information, school interaction, films, free native seedlings and more Timetable
- Interactive/hands-on – ‘Tree of Life’ (potted dead tree, invite participants to write environmental thoughts on paper leaves and attach to tree), bush tucker (participants to try bush tucker plants), insect display (Spineless Wonders bring display), Supervised Children’s creative nature art activities
This event was proudly supported by Lotterywest..
Opening Hours
Wednesday 5th Sept to Saturday 8th Sept – 10am – 5pm
Sunday 9th 10am – 2pm
Why hold it?
The Midwest natural environment is uniquely wondrous and a drawcard for eco-tourists, but its future is threatened. The Wheatbelt Eucalypt Woodlands are now classed as ‘critically endangered’ because of continued clearing and fragmentation of this ecological community. The perception that the wheatbelt remnant environment will be ok is far from true.
Shire remaining remnant vegetation figures are Moora 14%, Dalwallinu 12%, Victoria Plains 14%, Wongan 5% and all in decline.
This free to attend community information event will showcase the many natural wonders of the Midwest wheatbelt and also highlight the issues in hope that conservation for the future can be achieved.
- Wed 5th ‘The Last Stand Symposium’ 10am. – 5pm . A array of speakers and discussion on the wonders, issues and solutions of the Wheatbelt natural environment. RSVP required see form below for Registration
Speakers include:
Click on Pictures for powerpoint presentation
Dr. Carmen Lawrence (President Conservation Council & former Premier)
Eddy Wajon (Wildflower Society & Roadside Conservation Committee)
Malcolm French (Wheatbelt Eucalypts),
Tony Hughes-D’Aeth (Literary History of Wheatbelt),
Paul Barber (Rail reserve vegetation condition),
Declan Doherty (Environmental Defender Office)
Jenny Borger
Adam Peck (Birdlife Australia)
Rob Boase
Aaron Gove ( Astron Environmental Services)
Fred Mogridge (Yued Elder)
plus other local speakers.
- Thurs 6th – 11am John Horsfall – co-author of Noongar Bush Medicine talking about Bush Medicine of the South-west
- Sat 8th – Wheatbelt words 11am – 1pm
John Kinsella and friends (Wheatbelt poets),
- Displays all week – art (local artists), photography (local photographers), information on value of natural environment, case studies, hands-on displays (weeds, insects etc), local aboriginal displays and information, school interaction, films, free native seedlings and more
Organising committee
Moore Catchment Council and a number of concerned community members from the region.
Link to Photo Gallery
YouTube Video’s
Tony Hughes
Carmen Lawrence
John Kinsella
Eddy Wajon
Malcolm Finch
James Quinton
Paul Barbor
Adam Peck
Colin Headland