Productive Saltland Pastures to Combat Wind Erosion in the Eastern Moore River Catchment

This is a shortened version for the web. A full length video is available on DVD.

Wildflowers of the Moore Catchment

Short video of wildflowers which grow in the Moore River Catchment, Western Australia. Be amazed at the colours and diversity ! From scorched red dirt comes a dazzling display each year of everlastings, wattles and orchids. Fabulous !!!

Improving habitat and connectivity in the farming landscape for birds in the Moore River catchment

Here is several links video's on YouTube as part of State NRM funded project :`` Improving habitat and connectivity in the farming landscape for birds in the Moore River catchment``. These are a series of videos that will be available about birds in the Moore Catchment

Carrah Farms 4

Planted vegetation (4 of 5) Carrah Farms saltland

Homewood Farm remnant vegetation

Remnant vegetation (5 of 7) Gillingarra

Carnaby's Log Nest Making Video's

Constructing artificial nesting logs for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo

Constructing artificial nesting logs for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo 40min video with Wally Kerkhof commentary

Constructing artificial nesting logs for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo 12min instructional video

Moore Landcare Ladies

Moore Landcare Ladies - Sarah Mason - Creek revegetation

Moore Landcare Ladies Rachel Walmsley Small block revegetation

Moore Assets

Protection of the Moore River Assets

Mt Yule Eucalyptus recta revegetation project fly over 03.04.20

Mt Yule Eucalyptus recta revegetation project fly over 03.04.20

Watheroo WA revegetation 12/08/22 planted 2019

Watheroo revegetation 19/10/2022 planted 2019

Cudoralcarra lake rehabilitation progress March 2020

Mallory creek revegetation 21/09/2022

Salt scald to biodiverse habitat

WA Wheatbelt Eucalypts

Carnaby's Preservation

Coonderoo Carnaby Projects April 2020

Carnaby's Black Cockatoo artificial log nest monitoring Moora WA 07/11/2022

Carnaby's Black Cockatoo enjoying the Moora water trough 04/01/2021

Carnaby's Black Cockatoo artificial log nest monitoring Moora WA 15/10/2022

Carnaby's Black Cockatoo artificial log nest monitoring Moora WA 10/01/2023

Aboriginal Engagement

Yued Working on Country

Fred Mogridge Working on Country creek reveg 2021

Creating a biodiverse habitat from nothing east of Moora 15/08/2022 (planted 2016)

Fred Mogridge Iluka project 2022

ILUKA Project 2019-2021

Supporting the community to conserve Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo

Iluka Carnaby cockatoo monitoring Moora 2019-20

Kelly revegetation at Gillingarra, WA for Iluka Carnaby Cockatoo project Sep 2019

Coastal Video's

Pyp grass at Guilderton

Pyp Grass at Guilderton

Guilderton Community Planting 12/06/2022