NAP 05N115-01 – Revegetation of Natural Drainage Lines and Protection of Remnant Vegetation in the East Moore Catchment
Funding NAP Project 05N115-01
Project Activity
The East Moore Catchment is a sub-catchment of the Moore River Catchment, covering 160,000 hectares. The area boasts a unique and diverse range of plant species, yet less than 25% of the original native vegetation is retained. Salinity is a key factor threatening remnant vegetation and productivity of land. Much of the salt-affected land lies along natural drainage lines and these areas can be made productive with salt-tolerant species, and also act as wildlife corridors linking remnant vegetation. Farmers in the East Moore Catchment have had an active involvement landcare and the adoption of sustainable farming practices for many years.
The aim of the project is to implement strategic, integrated conservation works that build on Local Action Plans, by prioritising remnants and natural drainage areas.
- A funding incentive will be provided for these areas to be fenced off, and for drainage areas to be revegetated with local, native species and saltland species to form linkages.
- Field Days will be held at local sites, while flora & fauna surveys will be conducted in remnants to assess biodiversity value and enable vouchering of species in the WA Herbarium.
- Landholders receiving funding will be required to sign some form voluntary management agreement such as CALM’s ‘Land for Wildlife’.