NHT 993211 – Improving Surface Water Management in the Upper Moore River Catchment
Funding – Natural Heritage Trust Project 993211
Project Activity
This project was funded by the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) in 2000/2002 and was initiated as a result of the flooding which devastated the township of Moora in March and May 1999. The project consisted of four components as detailed below with some of the relevant actions implemented:
- Reduced risk of future flooding events by: Establishment of a flood forecasting system (4 river level stations and 4 rainfall stations), evaluation and design of flood control measures, implementation of flood control measures in the catchment and the Moora town site.
- Demonstration and communication of best-practice techniques with regard to surface water management: Evaluation of existing technical and economic feasibility information on surface water management, establishment of demonstration sites that show the economic and environmental benefits of contour banks, remnant vegetation management, revegetation, high water use crops, perennial pastures, oil mallees and pines.
- Co-ordination and planning of on ground actions in strategic sub-catchments upstream of Moora by: Consultation with landowners identifying strategic sub-catchments and formation of working groups, preparation and publication of local action plans and the monitoring and evaluation of the local action plans.
- Monitoring and evaluation of the affect of the project: Conduct surveys of community attitudes and current surface water management practices in the catchment before and after the project.
Highlights and Milestones:
- Completion of seven Local Action Plans – four were identified to be completed. Commitment to on ground works with 117,200 seedlings planted and 13,500 planted at a demonstration site (a total of 130,700 exceeding the target of 100,000); 129 kms of grade banks constructed and 57.426 kms of fencing completed.
- Individual revegetation plans produced for each of 17 properties that were planted with project seedlings. Plans included aerial photographs of sites, species list and pre-planting treatments.
- Completion of an inventory of surface water management practices for each sub-catchment including deep drainage, drainage, contour banks, fenced vegetation and alley lines. This information was compiled in a map based format on GIS together with a CD.
- Water and Rivers Commission completed all the installation and operation of flood forecasting system as well as completion of monitoring and evaluation of flows in project area on the Moore River.
- All identified support from Agriculture WA and Shire of Moora was provided.