NACC 1615-16C-01 Guilderton Pyp Grass Management Plan 2016
Funding – NACC 1615-16C-01
Project Activity
Sections of the primary dune system located at Guilderton are currently being degraded by infestations of this species and the biodiversity of surrounding vegetation is being undermined as a result of the spread of this invasive weed. A Management Plan is required to guide control of Pyp Grass within the town site of Guilderton. Baseline assessment is required to determine location and extent of Pyp Grass to aid comprehensive mapping of the weed in Guilderton.
The identification of priority areas for Pyp Grass management and an associated revegetation strategy will form part of the Guilderton Pyp Grass Management Plan. Community liaison and involvement into Pyp Grass control is essential for long term management in Guilderton
Funding – $22,609.00
Reports / Documents