NHT 013147 – East Moore River And Lower Coonderoo Local Action Plans and On-Ground Action
Funding – Natural Heritage Trust Project 013147
Project Activity
The project was funded by the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) in 2001/2003 and was targeted at two large adjacent subcatchments, East Moore River and Lower Coonderoo. Its key aims and actions implemented were to:
- Reduce the risk of adverse impacts from runoff and floods through improved surface water management. 37.5 kms of water coarses throughout the project area was fenced to exclude stock and prevent degradation. 70 ha of waterways were revegetated to provide a stabilising effect. Monitoring processes have been initiated for all project sites and water quality monitoring systems established by WRC will also be used.
- Demonstrate and communicate best practice techniques with regard to surface water management. Four groups undertook catchment plans for the development of LAP’s. The groups involved represented 120 landholders across the project area and grass roots issues were identified through a focus on local and landholder driven solutions. Accreditation courses were held for grader drivers and surveyors.
- Implement on ground activities in priority order in subcatchments. Forty four projects were implemented in line with the LAP goals of each subcatchments group, resulting in the protection of 2,835 ha of remnant vegetation and the revegetation of 226 ha. 152,200 seedlings were established. In the Lower Coonderoo, 26% of the revegetated area linked to areas of remnant vegetation and 34% buffered water coarses. In the Lower Coonderoo, $51,780 of NHT funding was spent to implement on ground works, accounting for 41% of on ground works costs. This was matched by $73,267 of landholder funds (59%). In the East Moore, $59,799 of NHT funding was spent to implement on ground works, accounting for 43% of on ground works costs. This was matched by $80,000 of landholder funds (57%).
- Monitor rates of change in the adoption of best practice activities and community attitudes. The development of LAP’s and linkage to the MCC Strategic Plan (Getting Moore to the Point) will enable the MCC and landholders to work and monitor progress towards best practice management. The strategies developed at the local level linked to 16 of the 54 strategies contained within “Getting Moore to the Point”.
The project will provide ongoing benefits for the groups who participated in the LAP process, as well as provide information for the NACC consultation process in the development of their regional strategy. Support will be maintained through the co-ordination of project field days and the development of improved linkages between catchment groups and landholders involved in the project.