NLP CLG1206222-828 Demonstrating Different Establishment Techniques Of Perennials In Deep Sand
Project Description
This project will establish a 4 hectare demonstration site which will be split into 8 trials of different rates of compost, mulch and clay combinations to demonstrate proven and innovative soil amelioration techniques to improve the soil quality at the root zone. 6000 Tagasaste and saltbush plants will be established at the trial site and germination, survival and growth rates wil be recorded and shared through publications including an industry newsletter. The project will be widely publicised and a field walk will be organised to showcase the project and share findings.
The trials of these different establishment techniques will provide a localised demonstration of the various proven and innovative techniques available for combating issues facing farming non-wetting deep white sands.
Communicating the results (good and bad) to a wide audience, and running a field walk to the site will demonstrate to local farmers and community, proven and innovative establishment methods available. These farmers will be armed with the knowledge and confidence to adopt the successful methods themselves for future sustainable land management and productive agriculture on non-wetting sands.
End Date 31/03/2015
Outcome 1 Representatives from 35 farm enterprises and community have attended field days to improve their land management practices
Outcome 2 The success of different establishment methods in non-wetting sands of 6000 tagasaste and saltbush plants

Demonstrating different establishment techniques of perennials in deep non-wetting sand – March 2015