NACC 1815-06C-04 Guilderton Pyp Grass Management works program stage 2
Sections of the primary dune system located at Guilderton are currently being degraded by infestations of Pyp grass and the biodiversity of surrounding vegetation is being undermined as a result of the spread of this invasive weed.
A Management Plan (see NACC Management Agreement 1615-06C-01) was developed to guide control of Pyp Grass within the town site of Guilderton. Baseline assessment has determined the location and extent of Pyp Grass and comprehensive mapping of the weed has been undertaken for the township of Guilderton.
This Agreement will implement Pyp grass management works identified in the Guilderton Pyp Grass Management Plan and require the Delivery Organisation to:
- Tender the on-ground works component to engage suitably qualified and experienced personnel to carry out works and set up of vegetation monitoring quadrats Autumn 2018 (Stage 2);
- Manage on-ground activity Autumn 2018;
- Liaise with land managers to confirm timing of on-ground work;
- Produce digital mapping of treated areas
- Undertake biannual monitoring (April) at Photomon points established in Stage 1 with community members
- Final report