ILUKA – Supporting the community to conserve Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo
Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) are endemic to WA but are rapidly in decline with total population estimates to be less than 60,000. The western Moore River Catchment and West Midlands area has 5 of the 23 designated Important Bird Areas (IBAs) that support Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos. Past and continuing clearing of Carnaby’s breeding and forage habitat is threatening their future survival. Moore Catchment Council has been carrying out extensive and effective Carnaby conservation projects since 2012.
This project aims to raise the Carnaby’s population through increasing and protecting breeding and priority forage habitat, and installing and monitoring artificial breeding nests. Community will be engaged through Carnaby monitoring, new interpretative signage, new Carnabys information booklet and information event. The project will actively engage the local Yued Aboriginal community through information signage design and appointing a Working on Country Yued native seedling planting crew. This project fits well with the Iluka Carnaby program objectives
Shire of Dandaragan Carnaby’s Information Flyer
Kelly revegetation at Gillingarra, WA for Iluka Carnaby Cockatoo project Sep 2019
Iluka Carnaby cockatoo monitoring Moora 2019-20
Amount Funded – $129,300.00